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Vraska's Avatar

Caspian gave a frustrated flap of his wings, having been attempting to get his hooves on the mystic lily for weeks now. He just couldn't seem to find the elusive flower, no matter how hard he tried. If only he had help from someone more in tune with nature... Or the flower. With a huff he turned to plop onto the ground, grumpy as ever as he watched the lights twinkle and swirl in the sky. It was a beautiful sight, the festival always was. Grumpily he snorted towards the stars, frowning with the wish that came to mind. He may as well give it a shot... Right? Wishes sometimes came true, maybe he would have his granted. "Tonight I wish for the assistance of a Durasai to collect a mystic lily... Or just the flower, if you rather stars." He returned his emerald gaze to the landscape, sighing at his silliness. The stars couldn't possibly make Enivi grow from the ground or a flower magically appear... Could they?

2022-01-09 11:35:46

Tony's Avatar
Tony Staff Member

As Caspian stares up at the sky he sees a flash of light that's noticeably brighter than the others. The star streaks across the sky, it's long, colorful tail trailing behind it as it moves closer and closer to the ground. The star whizzes past Caspian and lands just a few feet away from his hooves. It's small, but dazzling as it shimmers in the dark. Something about this seems very special. Caspian has found a Wishing Star.

2022-01-10 15:57:05