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Created: 14 February 2022, 16:05:03 PST
Last updated: 2 September 2024, 12:19:03 PDT


Welcome to My Sweet Enivi Con 2024! 

Step into the enchanting world of the My Sweet Enivi Scroll Series, a magical collection of scrolls that, when read aloud, cast captivating spells to bring the stories inside to life in a burst of vivid colors, sounds, enchanting music, and even (mostly) delightful scents!
Follow the adventures of the long-loved cast of Enivi from all herds, as they embark on quests like saving the day from fearsome dragons or enjoying heartwarming slice-of-life moments with friends.

Beloved by Enivi of all ages, the My Sweet Enivi Scroll Series continues to capture hearts and imaginations, and we’re thrilled to celebra-



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Want to earn an extra Enivi My Sweet Enivi Mystery Box?
Post a picture of yourself, your pet, or your Enivi wearing the Convention Badge with a link to KeepersofEniv.com on your favorite social media or Discord (where rules allow, and ours is omittedfrom this) and submit a Claim with a link to the post or a screenshot of the post (if on Discord) and we'll give you another My Sweet Enivi Mystery Box (limit 1 per person). 
Remember to be courteous when sharing!


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Strange Scrolls Distortions

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The Early Days

With a love of storytelling, author and illustrator Bon Cherrie created the My Sweet Enivi series with the hope of telling tales of love and unity. Who knows if they ever dreamed their creation would last the hundreds of years it has, but these wholesome, often simple tales have touched the hearts of audiences through the ages.

In the early days, Bon began by simply writing and illustrating scrolls for children, but began to wonder if there was something more that could be done. They started to infuse the scrolls with simple magic that would play songs or small sounds when specific parts of the story was read. One of the earliest scrolls had a small chime that would play when the reader got to a passage about an Enivi, Blossom Frost, gaining temporary wings and flying over a rainbow. 
Over time, more magic was added to the scrolls until they became the huge magical and cultural influence they are today.

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Popularity Soaring

It wasn't just the facinating new magic that captured the imaginations of Enivi who read or were read the scrolls. Of course, being able to see and hear these amazing stories so vividly was truly amazing, but the warmth in the tales and the gentle friendships between the Enivi were what really brough them the popularity they found. 

The scroll series found itself as the pioneer of changing how other herds viewed Vespiri in media.
While the author said the Enivi in the series had no official herds, it was clear when a Vespiri-centric character was finally released. Not only was Nighttime Wish a central character, but they were given wings and very rare Gem Vision eyes. 
This made the My Sweet Enivi series one of the first series not written by a Vespiri (Bon Cherrie was, of course, an Ortusi), who had a Vespiri protagionst as part of the main cast.


No series is without it's controversy, and My Sweet Enivi is no exception. 
Below is a single illustrated page from a lost media scroll, the most controversial MSE scroll known. Pages are exceedingly rare and considered impossible to find.
The scroll, "A Bubblegum Wish", told the story of Bubblegum Dream's discarded gum coming together with magic and forming into "Baby Bubblegum".


This scene shows Bubblegum Dream trying to explain to their best friend, Hearts Aplenty, that she of all Enivi should understand that all life is valuable, no matter how new or strange.
The scroll seems mild enough (if not gross) but when kids started to create their own "Baby Bubblegum"s Enivi parents were both understandably disgusted and upset. They wrote to the distributor of the scrolls and the author to express their upset and the scrolls were discontinued and destroyed - hence only a few pages remaining here and there.


In the early days of using the magic to enhance the scrolls, there were, of course, some issues.

If a reader casing the spell for others wasn't focusing on an item or character, they sometimes disappeared, or worse, warped into a strange, distorted version of the character. Sometimes it was minimal, with the character missing a marking or having the wrong eye color, other times, they would morph into strange creations that could be somewhat recognizable as Enivi.

At first, the Enivi responsible for adding the magic to the scrolls claimed this was an issue with the caster; that the Enivi reading wasn't paying close enough attention or that some individuals may be intentionally distorting the characters to get a reaction out of the listeners, but one night the author herself was reading one of the scrolls aloud and was so startled by one of these apparitions she dropped her tea on a pile of illustrations for an upcoming scroll - ruining six of her completed works.

Though the distributor claims the issue has since been completely fixed in modern books, the old scrolls still have the error in the spells, and you can still come across one of these bizarre amalgamations while reading if your mind wanders.


Above: A background version of Lavender Sky. Her markings appear to be an approximation of her actual coat, her body is oddly stretched, and her face is nightmarishly warped. (Image enlarged from the imprint left on the scroll)

My Sweet Enivi Today

Today, the My Sweet Enivi toys and scrolls are just as popular as ever!
Both adults and Kids of all herds enjoy the simple stories and heartfelt messages.
Adult fans of the series have even come together to celebrate their apprecation of the series at conventions like the one you're attending now!
Let us honor Bon Cherrie's memory and legacy, and help it to continue forward in time!

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