
<a href=" MSE" class="display-item">Sophie MSE</a>

Sophie MSE

Resale Value: 4 Star Shards

This MSE seems to look awfully familiar to someone else you know...

Someone who looks very proud standing next to her new unveiled collection of My Sweet Enivi! 

<a href=" My Sweet Enivi" class="display-item">Nebula My Sweet Enivi</a>

Nebula My Sweet Enivi

Take a journey through the stars with this new My Sweet Enivi!
Only available through site donation, this MSE will be the star of your collection!

<a href=" Tooth My Sweet Enivi" class="display-item">Sweet Tooth My Sweet Enivi</a>

Sweet Tooth My Sweet Enivi

Sweet as can be, this delicious My Sweet Enivi is given away as a thank you for donating to the game!
It's just the cherry on top of our gratitude! 

<a href=" My Sweet Enivi" class="display-item">Crystal My Sweet Enivi</a>

Crystal My Sweet Enivi

Shimmering in all their glory, this Crystal My Sweet Enivi is a thank you for donating to the site!
You can get this MSE when they're available during a fundraiser!

<a href="'s Halo Crown" class="display-item">Regent's Halo Crown</a>

Regent's Halo Crown

Download PNG

This item allows you to add the Regent's Halo Crown accessory to your Enivi.

This accessory may be color-shifted.

Note: This is a one-time use item which can only be obtained through The Hidden Cove.

<a href=" Basket" class="display-item">Bee Basket</a>

Bee Basket

Coop Animal

A whimsical cottage for your bees, lovingly woven by skilled hooves. Within its cozy embrace, a thriving thunderbee colony dwells and enchants your surroundings with their gentle hum.

Place this item as a "coop" to begin farming Thunderbee Honey!
This item can be crafted with 10 Thunderbees and 5 Hawk Feathers.

<a href=" Nightcrawler Bait" class="display-item">Honey-Dipped Nightcrawler Bait</a>

Honey-Dipped Nightcrawler Bait


Oh. Oh no. I'm not really seeing what the fish are finding appealing here, but they seem to really like it.

This item can be crafted with one Jar of Thunderbee Honey and one Nightcrawler Bait.

607 results found.