
End of Autumn

End of Autumn (Seasonal)

Category: Markings
Species: Enivi
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Druaesi Bark
Druaesi Earthen
Druaesi Woodgrain

Gilded leaves fall from the trees and land on your Enivi, leaving a magical pattern on their coat.

This marking can overlap onto scale, tail, hair, or mane traits.

Winter Breeze

Winter Breeze (Seasonal)

Category: Markings
Species: Enivi
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The winter wind seems to have left an impression on your Enivi!

This marking may be color-shifted.

This marking can overlap scale, tail, and mane traits.

Rainbow Base

Rainbow Base (Seasonal)

Category: Bases
Species: Enivi
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This rainbow base is only available in June!

This base may be color shifted or turned pastel with a Color Change Potion.

Seasonal Base

Seasonal Base (Seasonal)

Category: Bases
Species: Enivi
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These bases can be obtained through seasonal events. They cannot be obtained through any Color Changing Potions.
You may color-shift these bases as long as they can still be recognized as the original base.

Bogged Base

Bogged Base (Seasonal)

Category: Bases
Species: Enivi
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It looks like your Enivi might have spent too much time in the swamp.

This base can be earned through The Necromancer Event and can be color-shifted with a Color Changing Potion.

Ice Crown Horns

Ice Crown Horns (Seasonal)

Category: Horns
Species: Enivi
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These icy horns grow magically from your Enivi's head in a very wintery crown.

This trait may be color-shifted with the appropriate potion and can only be obtained by placing in the top 3 of the winter beauty contest.

Peppermint Hooves

Peppermint Hooves (Seasonal)

Category: Hooves
Species: Enivi
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Delicious Peppermint Hooves for your Enivi!

Cotton Tail

Cotton Tail (Seasonal)

Category: Tails
Species: Enivi
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These fluffy cotton tails are a special gift from Moinir.

Snowflake Soul Orb

Snowflake Soul Orb (Seasonal)

Category: Soul Orbs
Species: Enivi
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(Ice )
(Ice )
(Ice )
(Ice )
(Ice )

Celebrate the season with this festive Snowflake Soul Orb!

Jack O' Soul

Jack O' Soul (Seasonal)

Category: Soul Orbs
Species: Enivi
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This is a seasonal soul you can create by collecting pumpkins.

Glowing Red Nose

Glowing Red Nose (Seasonal)

Category: Special
Species: Enivi
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Druaesi Bark
(Red )
Druaesi Earthen
(Red )
Druaesi Woodgrain
(Red )
(Red )
(Red )
(Red )
(Red )

The mark of a true leader!

The Necromancer's Curse

The Necromancer's Curse (Seasonal)

Category: Special
Species: Enivi
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Seems like your Enivi has had a run in with something very unnatural.

The Necromancer's Curse is a visual-only curse. 
It can be easily cured by the Vespiri in any temple. If you'd like the curse removed, you'll just need to ask a staff member to remove it.
If you'd like to keep the curse, be sure to update your Enivi visually within 30 days.
Once the curse has been removed, it can't be reapplied unless your Enivi is somehow cursed again.

This trait may be color-shifted, and less of the curse may be shown, but not more.

The Necromancer's Curse is an event-only trait. It is laid upon those who have had the unfortunate experience of running into the Necromancer.

Dullahan (Seasonal)

Category: Special
Species: Enivi

This spooky trait allows for the limbs of your Enivi to be severed, but magically attached to the body.

Use of this trait must still fall within our rules.

This trait can be obtained during Autumn.

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